From gambling games to plannable growth engines.

Wie believe in a higher yield of innovation due to systematic and repeatable processes and better defined and quantified customer problems that are really worth solving.

Consequently, we help businesses to move through unknown channels/ fairways in eight clear defined steps and to successfully develop plannable growth strategies and products.

Our own, validated innovation process for your future growth.
Plannable. Repeatable. Facts-based. User-centric.

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Our process for successful innovation.

We understand innovation end-to-end, however, all steps can be commissioned modularly and starting points can be discussed individually.

Strategy-Fit Organisation

Innovation Audit

Our innovation audit was specifically designed to give you a detailed and objective view into your current innovation skills related to your goals.

Innovation Strategy

Make the future real and viable. We develop a dynamic and risk-minimizing innovation strategy based on your goals, innovation skills, strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats.


Discover Insights

1. step: User and market definition. Identification of the basic need.

2. step: Classification and quantification of the needs (functional, emotional, social and financial).

Define Focus

3. step: Creation of a facts-based evaluation of new business opportunities (opportunity score).

4. steo: Specification of new market segments based on demand gaps.


Design Strategy

5. step: Derivation of a plannable growth strategy based on the defined opportunity areas

6. step: Definition of the essential products = roadmap.

Deliver Concept Solution

7. Schritt: Prototypen-Sprint zur Erstellung von neuen Lösungskonzepten.


Build & Validate Solution

8. Schritt: Markttest unter realen Bedingungen, inklusive Kundenbefragungen.


Level of security that the solution will be accepted on the market.

What the process can do for you?

Define and quantifying real demand gaps and market opportunities.

Illustrate plannable growth strategies.

Define product roadmaps which can concretely address unfulfilled customer demands.

Develop and test solutions (products, services, experiences) which your customers really want and need.

Your benefits:


We reduce the risk by testing and validating the solutions on the market and on the customer. With the detailed inquiry and facts-based evaluation of consumer insights the risk of building a solution that might not be accepted by the customer is being reduced.

New growth areas

Due to our processes, new products and growth strategies are based on categorised and quantified customer insights as well as clearly demonstrated demand gaps and are therefore more resilient, comprehensible and increase the chance of touchable success on the market $$$.


The systematic and repeatable process ensures security and a plannable success. That way teams can move faster along the predefined steps from consumer data to the marketable idea.