Development of plan­nable growth strate­gies as well as vivid roadmaps.


  1. External drivers such as new consumer expectations, new technologies, new competitors or drastic events such as Corona are forcing companies to evolve, to think beyond their core business and to move into new, unknown territory.

  2. Exponential growth is difficult to achieve with a pure core business.

Your company needs a strategy that manages the unprecedented interaction of new variables, remains capable of action, and creates new revenue and sales channels in addition to the core business.

But where should you start? In many cases, it already fails because of the concrete definition of the challenge or the consumer problem that the innovation initiative is supposed to solve. It is the first and most essential step before possible solutions can be defined.

95 %

of new market launches fail (worldwide).**

94 %

of global leaders and managers are unsatisfied with the performance of their business in the area of innovation.***

Innovation scheint in diesem Kontext risikoreich, unvorhersehbar, sehr zeitaufwendig und teuer.

*Harvard Business Study
**PWC Innovation Benchmark 2017


We help companies to discover and quantify new opportunity fields with great market potential in customer insights and translate them into plannable growth strategies and feasible roadmaps.

We do not cannibalize the core business but look for new ways for additional growth.


Systematic identification of growth areas

We use precise interview techniques and observation to define customer segments with unfulfilled wishes and identify gaps in demand.

We break down the answers and problems into individual components, which we quantify in terms of their intensity. This enables us to create an opportunity score that evaluates the opportunity on a factual basis and provides us with a basis for decisions on how and where we can satisfy customer needs and be successful in the market.

Definition of the product and service roadmap

We create a roadmap of solutions based on the identified opportunity fields.

With the help of available data and a long-term growth strategy, decisions ranging from small adjustments to large and bold changes can be addressed.